What is Sensory Processing Disorder and might some learners be affected by it?
Practical advice and strategies to help pupils with SPD in their learning environment.
What is autism, what is the criteria for diagnosis, and what is it like to be autistic?
An autism led approach to making our schools healthier environments for autistic people.
Using Comic Strip Conversations™ as a strategy to support learners with ASD and similar social difficulties.
Using Social Stories™ as a strategy to support learners with rigid thinking and social interaction and communication difficulties
Creating the conditions for pupils with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to thrive in the classroom
Creating the conditions for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) to thrive in the classroom
Moving beyond the SEND label to understand cognitive functions and difficulties in the classroom
Supporting children with SpLD to become independent, high performers.
The impact of delayed language skills on learning and how to identify and support pupils in the classroom.
Provides key information on Emotion Based School Avoidance (EBSA) - strategies to help support learners.