Building your resourcefulness in unprecedented times

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This webinar from BTS Spark will help you to recognise when you are not at your best and share some insights and strategies to help you stay calm and effective as you grapple with the everyday demands of school life and the particular challenges presented by the current Covid context.
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About the presenter:
Jo Lally has many years’ experience of working in learning and development and consultancy roles, and has coached over 600 leaders, including many within the education sector, from middle leaders to executive heads. Jo is also an experienced facilitator, with strongly grounded insight into what it takes for individuals to transform, and lots of experience in partnering people to make those changes. She has also delivered multiple webinars for large groups of school leaders.
Jo is an accredited Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation and also holds a NLP diploma and accreditation to deliver the Human Synergistic Life Styles Inventory.
What you will learn:- Recognise when you are not at your best and the impact this has.
- Understand what leads to a loss of personal resourcefulness.
- Get clear on what’s in your zone of control.
- Strategies for shifting your state to respond calmly and effectively.