The Trust Dividend – the benefits of working in a group of schools

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About this session:
Explore the myths and facts about working in a multi-academy trust which creates the conditions for deep and purposeful collaboration. The trust structure, at its best, can support an early career teacher to build professional expertise.
About this presenter:
Leora Cruddas is the CEO of the Confederation of School Trusts – the national organisation and sector body for school trusts in England. She has advised successive governments and sits on several Department for Education Advisory Bodies. She is the vice chair of the Head Teacher Standards Review Group. Prior to establishing CST, she was Director of Policy and Public Relations for the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). Just before leaving ASCL, Leora established the Commission for Ethical Leadership, on which she served as a commissioner. She now sits on the Ethics Committee. She believes education is for the common good. Leora has six years of experience as a Director of Education in two London Local Authorities. She has extensive experience at senior executive level of working with schools and trusts to improve the effectiveness and quality of education.
What you will learn:- Learn about the shape of the English Education System – what a trust is and what it is not.
- Consider how to navigate professional learning pathways and career progression.