Parents as Partners

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About this session:
This workshop aims to help every teacher consider how to form more effective partnerships with parents, reflecting on the positive impact of parental engagement on the child, school and even the parent themselves. Barriers to parental engagement within your specific context will be explored, followed by practical ideas and case studies of how we can form stronger partnerships with our parents.
In this workshop, reference to ‘parents’ is taken to include any parent and/or carer who have significant caring responsibilities for children e.g. grandparents or older siblings.
About this presenter:
Dr Glass is the Senior Education Manager at M3, responsible for the writing and delivery of education modules to professionals globally. Once a science teacher, she holds a PhD in genetics, with a special interest in the heritability of intelligence and the power of the mind for learning. As previous Head of Schools Liaison at High Performance Learning, she was responsible for managing the transformation of schools to a skills based curriculum with a philosophy that every student is capable of achieving highly and adapting their systems to make this a reality.
What you will learn:- Reflect on the importance of parental engagement on their child’s success.
- Identify and discuss barriers to parental engagement in their child’s learning.
- Understand the importance of working with parents in partnership and gain some practical ideas as to how to move this work forward within your setting.