Mindfulness with Iris Gudsteinsdottir

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About the webinar:
Through mindfulness practices we can train our awareness so that we can become more present in each passing moment of our lives and move away from living on autopilot. We can practice turning inwards to our felt sense in the physical body and observe our feelings and thoughts whilst developing and maintaining a non-judgmental and compassionate attitude. I will be guiding you through a short standing and sitting mindfulness practice, please have a chair or comfortable seat available. All levels welcome.
About the presenter:
Iris Osk developed her interest in meditation in her teens. It wasn’t until a particularly busy time in her career that Iris found herself increasingly seeking meditation practices and relaxation techniques. Since then she has trained as a sound therapist using Himalayan bowls, which are often used in meditation, and as a mindfulness and meditation teacher. Mindfulness and meditation are slightly different practices, complementing each other and overlapping at times. Iris practices both on a nearly daily basis and her passion for their benefit has driven her to become a teacher so that she can share these with others . I will be offering new online courses starting in February 2021, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Meditation on the Natural Breath. For more details get in touch at hello@osksoundmind.com. With warmest and best wishes for your practice ‘Now is the moment that never ends’.