Support for New Teachers – Why it Matters with Professor Samantha Twiselton

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About this webinar:
This will give an overview of research and policy developments focused on the importance of early-career teacher support and development. It will include information on the DfE ITT Core Content Framework for ITT and how this is designed to support teacher recruitment, retention and development through its close relationship with the Early Career Framework. It will draw on research on the development of teacher expertise and relate this to the findings of the Carter Review of ITT and the DfE Recruitment and Retention Strategy with a particular focus on the importance of early-career support and development.
About the presenter:
Professor Samantha Twiselton is the Director of Sheffield Institute of Education at Sheffield Hallam University and Vice President (External) of the Chartered College of Teaching. She uses her research and practice in the progression of teacher expertise, and curriculum design to improve school embedded approaches to teacher development. Sam has been involved in influencing Government policy on teacher education and is the Chair of the DfE ITT Framework Group, a member of the DfE Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Group, the specialist NPQs Group, the Carter Review of ITT and Expert Behaviour Management Panel, and the OFSTED Curriculum Review Panel. She is a recent recipient of an OBE for services to Higher Education.
What you will learn:- Develop an awareness of why teachers need different forms of support at different times.
- Develop how this feeds into current policy developments designed to improve teacher retention.